28 February 2025
Almost exactly two years since the last time TrainingPeaks increased prices, they’ve announced today an increase for annual Premium subscribers (only) by 8%, going from $124.99/year to $134.99/year. This change will only take effect once your subscription renews, as well as for new renewals, from April 2nd, 2025. If you renew prior to that, you’d be under the existing pricing. And to reiterate that both monthly ($19.95/month) and quarterly ($49/quarter) remain the same.
Of course, there’s undoubtedly many reasons for this. Like all companies, inflation is a reality. Both in terms of national/global costs, but also local costs (TrainingPeaks is based in the greater Boulder, CO area). Equally, TrainingPeaks also likely feels that some of the newer features, like TrainingPeaks Virtual (the renamed IndieVelo since the acquisition) is adding a pretty substantial feature into the Premium subscription package. Though, I wouldn’t overthink the IndieVelo piece driving costs much here, I suspect TrainingPeaks would have increases prices regardless.
A two-year cycle since the last price increase seems reasonable, if we use Netflix price increases as the calibration baseline. I’m not sure if that’s the right approach or not, but it’s one method. Netflix just announced a price increase last month, and it was 1 year since the last Premium Tier price increase (8%), and 3 years since the last Standard Tier price increase (16%).
As I said two years ago, I’ll give credit to TrainingPeaks again for doing this properly. A bit over 30 days notice, with a reasonable enough price increase, and clear communications via e-mail. All users have (or are currently receiving) an e-mail with the details. Note that if you’re in Australia, Canada, or Switzerland, TrainingPeaks will continue to have applicable location taxes applied as well to your monthly billing.
Lastly, TrainingPeaks has confirmed that TrainingPeaks Virtual (IndieVelo) will only remain free through the end of March. Starting in April, it’ll require a Premium subscription to TrainingPeaks. Note that IndieVelo Founders members received a 1-year TrainingPeaks Premium subscription back this past fall (which had to be started/redeemed by Nov 30th, 2024).
Once the free level goes away in a month, TrainingPeaks Virtual would still be substantially cheaper than the $199USD on Zwift, though, I think we’d all agree it’s got far more features than TPV. That said, the TrainingPeaks subscription of course includes the foundational training log piece, which has always been worth what it costs. This just gets you an indoor cycling platform atop that, for pretty close to free.
With that, thanks for reading!