
234: The Science of Soviet Training Methods: A look back at the history of getting in shape.

In this episode we dive deep into the literature on soviet training. Yes, there was...

FIT File EP3: Apple Vision Pro, Zwift Layoffs, Wahoo KICKR CORE Zwift One, and Burritos

 For those not subscribed to the FIT File (it’s free!) via your regular podcast...

Ask the Physical Therapist! Caitlin Alexander, DPT Answers Your Injury Questions

As runners, we accept a certain amount of risk for undertaking such a high impact...

Zwift Lays off 100+, co-CEO Resigns, Zwift Hub Series Discontinued

Despite Zwift just announcing the new jointly-launched Wahoo KICKR CORE Zwift One trainer, this hasn’t...

Wahoo KICKR CORE Zwift One: In-Depth Review

 I know, the name is confusing. Look, I didn’t choose it, I just review...

The Workout All Pickleballers Should Do

If pickleball is your main form of exercise, you may need to augment it. Here...

How to Schedule & Balance Strength Training with Your Running

In recent years, runners have come to accept that strength training is a necessity to...

233: Traits of a champion: Why some are better than rest

What separates the best from the rest? In this episode, we go into the characteristics...

FIT File EP2: Wahoo KICKR RUN, COROS Updates, WearOS in 2024, and Garmin jabs at Apple?

 For those not subscribed to the FIT File (it’s free!) via your regular podcast...

Strava’s Chipotle Burrito Challenge Ends With Insanity

I’ve been hard at work on a whole slate of new things popping up over...

232: Defining the Win: How to stay on track, have success, and have fun doing it.

Are you and your athletes on the same page in how you define success? Have...

COROS Firmware Update Adds Running Form Test & Wellness Metrics

COROS has announced a new firmware update that’s being rolled out in public beta, with...

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